Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bhutan - Paro Farm

The residents of the same farm in Paro pictured below also had a fine barley crop. When I was visiting it was late afternoon and the family was still quite busy with the farming chores. When I asked the woman above what " what makes you happy" she replied " I like farming." There it is, isn't it? Happiness.

In the portrait, the woman is standing in front of the farm door. To enter the three story dwelling you had first to enter this door. This led directly to a dark enclosure where the farm work horses were being housed for the night. Walking past the rather closely packed animals ( mostly the backsides! ) you made your way up a narrow and very steep hewn wooden ladder, moving sort of hand over foot. Above was the simple dwelling area and beyond that, partitioned off by a fabric curtain hung in the door frame, an elaborate home altar room .

Unfortunately it was all too dark at that hour to successfully photograph so I can only tell you about the place. The lasting memory - and I dont think I am being fanciful here - is, despite the dim light, that of a glow that seemed to permeate this large but humble farm house. I can only imagine that this warmth comes from lives well and satisfactorily lived.


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