Friday, September 15, 2006


Irving, Blanca and Graco's * oldest child, is 16. I have known him since he was 11. When I met him he had, only the day before, arrived in Jackson. Both Irving and his sister, Montserat, had lived with his grandmother in Mexico until the time was right for them to come to the states. Although the journey here was harrowing and although he could speak no English, Irving started his new life with eagerness and curiousity. I remember going to lunch with Blanca and the kids that first day. Irving wanted to know about everything on the menu and why it was called what it was called.
Now, at 16, that same curiousity is amplified. He produced a fine student film last spring that was shown at the Jackson Hole Film Festival . Now he is contemplating the next one. He was in a camp rodeo this summer. I didn't see this but am told he was a bull rider! He is a student at Journeys School and just returned yesterday from the upper school back pack trip into the park. Irving is a bright kid who, I predict, will illuminate - more and more - every place and situation that he is in.

* apologies that you have not met Graco. he is a very handsome fellow and i have not yet taken a picture of him that pleases me.


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