Saturday, December 12, 2009


This property is now in easement. It is the site of an adult ecumenical retreat center with 2 large lodge buildings and several log cabins. It is a wildlife corridor as well. People and wildlife co-exist well in the summer months but during the winter, except for the young ranch manager and his wife, the long horn sheep reign. I understand the number of sheep who pass through there is really astounding. Little the end of a long, long valley tucked under an imposing mountain range, a glacier in sight on the far peaks, it must be sheep heaven.

There is a palpable spiritual meditative quality to this property that is surely enhanced by the presence of ancient petroglyphs situated in the heart of the retreat complex. One of the instructors and early directors is pictured in front of a petroglyph lovingly known as "yoyo man" because of the design.


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