Saturday, May 05, 2007

Hello from Paro, Bhutan....

where we arrived earlier today. And early is the operative word here as we have been up since one and traveling since 3.
(We had a very brief scheduled stop at Kolkata. Can you figure out what that is. Took us a bit, I have to admit!)
The trip was fine and the landing even finer after the captain cautioned us with these words: do not be alarmed when you see mountains closer than you ever have. It is our routine landing.
After a sort of spiral through very high mountains suddenly we were right above the airport and just as suddenly on the ground. and in a magic land. The words seem so trite so I hope pictures can follow to give you a better idea.
We were greeted by our guide, Sangay, and our driver ( whose name I failed to get) and then driven the 5 miles( 20 mins ) to Amankora - the most beautiful hotel I have ever seen.
Along the way we were given various bits of information about Paro...the airport was built in 1983, the town in 1985....most of the other details are now lost in a fog of a strange sort of jet lag that refuses actual sleep ( so I am blogging!).
What did stick is that we are addressed here as Om Anne and Om Mary which is Mother Anne and Mother Mary. In conversation that quickly becomes just Om.."yes Om" etc.
Does sound a bit like our good old ummm!


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