And then.....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summertime Summertime

It has, once everyone has managed to survive the present state of air travel and actually get here, been a fine week of summer.
The first event in a very full 7 days was the day late arrival of Jolie and Marlena occurring just in time for Karen's birthday celebration.
Above Meme is doing the cake cutting honors on the caramel cake lovingly transported from Atlanta by the honoree herself. It was loving because, hands down, this Atlanta speciality is my favorite cake. It is not the b day norm - I must add in my defense - to bring your own cake to 2750 Phlox but in the case of this yummy cake, exceptions were made.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Coal Creek Trail, Bridger Teton Park

Image 5 is Annie ( who iooks like Sandy of Little Orphan Annie fame ) and Suzanne - Suzanne who at one point on the trail said: we are chest deep in heaven!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Talk of the Town

When not talking about the traffic ( something year rounders are stunned by), everyone is talking about THE FLOWERS. I am told that people who have lived here all of their lives, some as long as 80+ years, have never seen the flowers as they are this year.
Everyone, it seems, has a field they have discovered on a hike that is beyond belief. I hope to go to such a place on a hike this Friday but for now please enjoy the above wild flowers and peonies from our garden.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Game Of...


One Fine Day

After some days of not, blogger seems to be speaking to me again. So, to catch up:
had a fine day, a birthday, recently.
Hiked with T. in the morning, had a fine lunch at our newest spot, Osteria, and, that evening had a few good friends over for supper. I made my really super fried chicken and Ariel, made a glorious apricot tart. The tart can be glimpsed in the center image and I hope, as per a recent request for more, another will follow.

Why is the above image - my birthday picture - in B&W? no reason at all, just fooling around!

Blogger probs

Have not been able to post images in a while due to Blogger probs.
Please check again soon!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More from Japan

Going through images and finding a few more that I would like to post for you.
This is Shirakawago where the first irises were blooming.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Jackson - a hike to Ski Lake

A hike up to Ski Lake with my friend Toni - patches of snow remain so, for you, we are standing in one!

Jackson Memorial

Went to a memorial service not long ago. It was for someone loving called " a real Jackson old timer". I am not sure of the age of the man who died but, listening to the stories told at the memorial service I am sure that he lived all of his years to the max.

Rich was a mountain climber and after being caught in an avalanche and" well busted up" he decided to take up flying.
i met him when he was in his, to use his step daughter's words, period of being surrounded by ladies. His ladies were mostly women who loved to dance as he did at the 'Coach in Wilson. He was a regular at the Sunday night dances at the "Coach".
It was only fitting, then, that the Stagecoach Band played at his memorial. And only fitting too that his memorial was a Real Jackson event...nothing fancy, no one fancy ....dogs, laughter, music, tears.

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the privilege of living in this small town. This was one of those times.
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