And then.....

Friday, May 10, 2013


... a reunion of the Friday walking group.   OPR is clear to the lake and, I have to say, every step there was happiness for me.  The snow that you see is where the snow line starts so it should be a couple more weeks, maybe more, until the top of the pass is an option.  No complaints.  Getting to this point was heaven on earth.

Monday, May 06, 2013

TONIGHT was like playing Red Light.  He ( she?) would look away and i would inch forward then freeze when we locked eyes.  I am sad for my ducks...there were 3 couples on the pond just a few yards from where this beauty was resting.  This means that the hens are all nesting nearby. 8 out of 10 nests are destroyed, ducklings lost, so this predator does not bode well for them.

 I have to say the owl is impressive and nothing if not confident.

Sunday, May 05, 2013


Osprey couple...she on the nest, he up higher keeping lookout and fussing at me.  For a moment I could imagine the headlines: local woman mauled by osprey.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

5 1 13

 10 AM

4 PM

As they say~ if you dont like the weather wait a while.

4 30 13

 got my ducks in a row..
 my molting mooseling
who will be a lovely lady moose in time.
the couple who own the pond.


Big surprise but legend has it that snow has fallen on July 4th a few years ago so no big deal.  And actually this will not be a even a small deal very long with temps in the upper 50s tomorrow and low 70s(!!) on Sunday.  Just more springtime in the Rockies which has a bit of everything and all of it beautiful.

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